Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summertime Staple

That night in the kitchen, the one where two of my most amazing friends decided I needed to make blog, I was creating a strawberry pie for a birthday present, per the birthday boy's request.  I think he would eat the whole thing if he could.  Fortunately, in addition to admitting being rather full, there was a line of people, plates in hand, ready to eat a piece of their own.  I wouldn't have wanted violence over pie. 

Obsession is probably an understatement when it comes to my feelings about strawberries.  I have been eating bushels of them.  I'm not sure how much a bushel is, but I'm guessing that's a lot of strawberries, and if it correlates to my strawberry-purchasing habits, my boyfriend would probably tell you it's an accurate measurement.  He jokes with me about how I make a beeline to the strawberry display immediately upon entering the grocery store.

And why shouldn't I?!  It's summer!  Is there a more delightful, happy, appropriately cheerful food to eat?  And think of the possibilities too!  Not only can you put them into pies, but you can eat them on shortcake, or angelfood cake, or put them on your cereal, or your ice cream.  You can dip them in chocolate, you can fill a whole bowl with them and then proceed to spray an entire can of whipped cream on top.....did I mention you can dip them in chocolate?! 

 What is the Kitchen Witch's lesson then?  I think she has been trying to tell me that indulgence is not always a bad thing.  More often than not, I feel guilty for it.  The blog-beginning night, we indulged in a lot, including a bottle of wine, a quesadilla, some chocolate, and strawberries, of course.  But we were also indulging in each others' company.  We were silly, and we laughed, and we thoroughly enjoyed being together.  Sometimes it takes a kitchen to bring people together like that.  Our encounter certainly wouldn't have been as lively if we were in a movie theater, for example.  We have busy lives, and sometimes it's hard for us to get together extra during the week.  But after such indulgences, we are always so grateful.  Business and chores can be put off, but times like these should occur whenever the opportunity presents.  Thank you, Kitchen Witch!  

So, if you happen to walk by me, and you see strawberries coming out of my ears, do not be alarmed.  I probably just ate an extra quart or two.  :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Let me introduce us...

This is the absolute worst time to start a blog. I’m a busy girl. I’m trying to finish my last year of pharmacy school. I will be on the move constantly until next May.


Some of my friends came over tonight to have some wine while I was baking, and we all discovered my Kitchen Witch. She is my good luck charm, the lady who helps me create all of the yummy things that come out of my kitchen. After much discussion, excitement, an a little too much fun with the wine, she was given her own photo shoot, and now, she’s sharing a blog with me.  I’m honored, to say the least.

My little Lady Luck has taught me many lessons, some that I will admit to, and some I will not. They pertain to my kitchen activities, but somehow, most are able to be carried over into other bits of my life. Some, she has given me through another’s voice because she can’t talk (like a cheesecake with a crack in it is not the worst thing to happen). Others she has just watched over silently, like how to make a mess, how to enjoy it, how to clean it up, and how to be graceful the next time. But ultimately, my bewitched friend has helped me ease my way into an incredible group of friends, to pour out love in the form of filling and frosting, to listen (because somehow, letting people lick beaters makes you more trustworthy), to help me through school when the textbooks are too much, and now it is time to see how she will help me next.

Certainly, it will be delicious.
The Kitchen Witch